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Finding Gear in Saudi Arabia

In last year several options for buying climbing gear in Saudi Arabia have arisen. In Riyadh, a new store, Advesto, opened that sells most of the basics anyone would need to start climbing. They have ropes, harnesses, shoes, quickdraws, carabiners, chalk, etc. There selection is limited to Black Diamond and Petzl, so if you are looking for speciality equipment, or other brands, it's still best to buy online or bring gear from outside the country. In Jeddah, the Saudi Climbing Federation has some gear for sell. They mostly stock black diamond gear, and evolv shoes. I've also heard that there is another shop in Jeddah, but I don't have any information about it.


As I stated before, if you're looking for a specific brand, or specialty item, you'll need to look outside of Saudi Arabia. Your best bet is to order the things you need online, or to buy them when you are out of the country. Dubai has a couple of shops that sell some basics. But, online shopping is the way to go. It can be a bit tricky because some brands won’t ship outside of whichever country you are buying from, and shipping prices can be a bit of bitch. But if you want something bad enough, that’s the best bet. I have personally ordered a fair amount of gear from REI, which has free international shipping, but is limited in which brands they can ship abroad. Recently, some people have had luck using Bananafingers.

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